Attic Organ Kapellen
Two Manual Pipe Organ - as the name suggests, in our Attic

Overview |
Construction Year | Since 2008 |
Number of Keyboards | 2 |
Keybard range | C-f''' |
Pedal | C-d' |
Action | Main Division: MIDI-pneumatic Action
Positive: mechanical Action |
Stop Action | pneumatic/ mechanical Action |
Stops | 12 |
Prinzipal-Base | 4 |
Height | 400 cm |
Width | 300 cm |
Depth | 120 cm |
Disposition |
Main Division | Positive Division | Pedal |
Weitgedeckt 8' Salizional 8' Prinzipal 4' Rohrflöte 4' Flageolett 2' Quinte 2 2/3' Zimbel 2f Krummhorn 8' |
Gedeckt 8' Salizional 4' Siffflöte 2' Quinte 1 1/3' Dulzian 8' |
Coupler to the Main Division |
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