Attic Organ Kapellen

Two Manual Pipe Organ - as the name suggests, in our Attic


Construction Year Since 2008
Number of Keyboards 2
Keybard range C-f'''
Pedal C-d'
Action Main Division: MIDI-pneumatic Action

Positive: mechanical Action

Stop Action pneumatic/ mechanical Action
Stops 12
Prinzipal-Base 4
Height 400 cm
Width 300 cm
Depth 120 cm


Main Division Positive Division Pedal

Weitgedeckt 8'

Salizional 8'

Prinzipal 4'

Rohrflöte 4'

Flageolett 2'

Quinte 2 2/3'

Zimbel 2f

Krummhorn 8'

Gedeckt 8'

Salizional 4'

Siffflöte 2'

Quinte 1 1/3'

Dulzian 8'

Coupler to the Main Division

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Since the main division is hidden, the casing shows the positive division.


MIDI Keyboard, above: mechanical keyboard

Right: Switches for the main division and draw knobs of the positive

Wind chest of the positive

Salizional 4', Quinte 1 1/3', Siffflöte 2', Dulzian 8' and Gedeckt 8'

Casing (back view)

Bass pipes of the Gedeckt 8'

First wind chest of the main division

Zimbel 2f 4', Salizional 8' and Weitgedeckt 8'

Weitgedeckt 8' of the main division

The pipes are in chaotic order to fit

Pipes of the Prinzipal of the main divison

On the right side: Pipes of the Krummhorn

2nd wind chest of the main division

Krummhorn 8', Quinte 2 2/3', Flageolett 2', Rohrflöte 4' and Prinzipal 4'

Quinte and Flageolett of the main division

The tubes lead to the pipes which are too long to fit on the wind chest.

Keyboard for tuning

Just to avoid to climb the ladder for each pipe which is to be tuned

Rohrflöte and Flageolett of the main division

Pipes which are too long to fit on the wind chest

2nd wind chest of the maiu division

Stop action and action of the 2nd wind chest

The action is MIDI controlled, the stop action is just electric

Draw knobs of the positive

There is a keyboard division at c1. Thus there are ten draw knobs for five stops.